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The Hollenbeck’s Family Story

Hollenbeck Ranch is located 35 miles outside of Billings, Montana.  Henry Hollenbeck is a third generation rancher running approximately 3,200 ewes and 150 cows.  It’s a family run business with Henry’s wife Sara, and Henry’s parents Mike and Eva Hollenbeck.


Hollenbeck Ranch runs sheep across Montana, and into Northern Wyoming for summer pasture.


The ranch currently has five sheepherders all originate from Peru.  Gilmer, Carlos, Aderlin, Nilton, and Conty. 


Because of the open range landscape of Montana, the herders rely on the help of dogs to keep the sheep located in specific areas.   With each group of sheep a herder typically has two horses, two herding dogs, and 2-4 guardian dogs.  Guardian dogs are extremely important as they keep predators away.  Common predator issues in Montana are coyotes, wolves, bears, and mountain lions.  

Why Organic 

Mike Hollenbeck

Mike Hollenbeck

Henry Hollenbeck

Henry Hollenbeck

Address: 212 Oil Well Rd

Molt, MT 59057


Phone: 1.406.669.3179

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